

Your experts for facelifts and tightenings

Learn everything about facelifting here. What types of facelifts there are and how the doctor proceeds to achieve a beautiful and natural result.

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specialist clinic for plastic surgery

Facelifting: Your Specialists in Mainz

Time leaves its mark … With age, the face changes not only through the natural aging of the skin, but also through relaxation of the muscles and connective tissue in the face and neck. The formation of small flab and wrinkles contributes to this.

Deep furrows, slack muscles and tissue make your face look tired – just as you feel younger and more active, this is an unwanted impression conveyed through the face. Looking in the mirror is avoided and psychological problems can arise that negatively affect self-esteem and social life. In addition to genetic causes, the influence of sunshine and lifestyle play a crucial role.

Dr. med. Klaus Niermann

Specialist for aesthetic plastic surgery

Dr. med. K. Niermann, head physician of the clinic, has successfully performed a great many operations in the field of aesthetic plastic surgery. With his extensive experience, he will be happy to assist you in your consultation. Take the opportunity to ask him all your questions about your desired appearance.

Further Information about our Specialty: Facelifting

Although a facelift in Fontana Klinik in Mainz can not stop the natural aging process, the removal of excess tissue can make the face firmer and visibly rejuvenated by a few years.

The face lift can also be used with other procedures such. For example, eyelid, neck, brow, face and neck liposuction, mouth and eyelid dermabrasion or rhinoplasty can be combined to achieve the desired result for your individual face lift.

Facelifting in just one operation

In the classic facelift temples, cheeks and neck are tightened in one operation.

Your doctor will make a skin incision on both sides in a curved, conveniently positioned line. The incision usually begins in the middle of the forehead behind the hairline, runs laterally in front of the ear to behind the earlobe and ends inside the hairy scalp. This cut allows scars to remain small and unobtrusive.

The skin is released from the underlying muscle and fat layer so that excess fat from the neck, chin and cheeks can be sculpted for improved contours. The tightening of the muscle and fascia tissue (the latter, for example, encases muscle fibers) is important in order to achieve a permanently improved result.

Finally, excess skin is removed and the remaining skin is pulled back and carefully sutured.

Requirements for successful results

People of advanced age with a relatively good skin elasticity have the best conditions for a successful facelift.

The average age of the patients is 40 to 60 years, but even in older patients with a facelift very good results can be achieved.

A word about the risks of a facelift

Bruising and swelling can accrue after a facelift, but as a rule they heal by themselves.

If a rare rebreeding occurs, it will be repaired surgically. Wound healing disorders and infections in the wound area are very rare. If necessary, the latter can heal by treatment with suitable antibiotics.

The sensation at the operated site may be diminished or deaf after the procedure. However, in just a few weeks to months, the sensibility normalizes completely again. With a high degree of precision and efficiency, a face lift is a gentle procedure and then achieves a very high level of satisfaction among our patients. The fear that your face might look like a mask after surgery is completely unfounded.

Of course, we offer you the opportunity to personally address further questions to our treating physicians and to clarify these in detail. In an in-depth consolation before the procedure, your doctor will explain the possible risks to you personally.

Our qualified doctors will discuss with you the degree of facial lifting. Thus, we can ensure that you are visibly satisfied with the result of the facelift in our clinic in Mainz.

Your Appointment

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us – our team of doctors and staff will take care of your request and will also make an appointment with you at our premises. Our contact form also gives you the opportunity to quickly and arrange an appointment: click her: contact form


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    Our main areas of cosmetic surgery

    The Fontana Clinic Mainz offers you the complete spectrum of cosmetic and plastic surgery. Here you will find our main areas for a quick overview and interesting information about the various procedures.