
Breast Enlargement

Breast augmentation is one of the most common cosmetic operations

Here you will find all the important information about breast enlargement with implants and with autologous fat. We explain what is important about the operation and which doctor performs it.

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specialist clinic for plastic surgery

Worth knowing about breast augmentation

An operative breast augmentation in the Mainz beauty clinic is a good way to adapt the individual idea of ​​breast shape and size to the desired body image. State-of-the-art surgical techniques and the latest generation of implants with leak-proof silicone cohesive gel make it possible to enlarge the breast without fear of loss of natural appearance and sensitive touch.

Thinking about a Breast Augmentation? Watch this first!

Are you considering breast augmentation but still have questions? This video covers everything you need to know – from implant options to results. Get expert insights and see how a good breast augmentation is done.

Hit play now and take the first step towards your dream body!


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Dr. med. Klaus Niermann

Specialist for aesthetic plastic surgery

Dr. med. K. Niermann, head physician of the clinic, has successfully performed a great many operations in the field of aesthetic plastic surgery. With his extensive experience, he will be happy to assist you in your consultation. Take the opportunity to ask him all your questions about your desired appearance.

Modern implants with safety plus

All breast augmentation implants used in aesthetic surgery are made of a silicone shell and are only distinguished by the ingredient: silicone gel or physiological saline solution.

In terms of safety, reliability, durability and dimensional stability, modern silicone gel implants have proven to be most effective where the cross-linked structure of the cohesive gel does not allow the gel to bleed, and the textured (roughened) surface of these implants reduces the impact Risk of capsule formation to a minimum.

Both flat-round and teardrop-shaped, anatomically shaped implants are used.

Of course you can ask Dr. Niermann, the specialists in the field of breast augmentation in Mainz FONTANA KLINIK, about the currently available in Germany implant types and filling media and can be informed in detail about the respective advantages and disadvantages.

Implant placement for breast augmentation

For an implant to be introduced into the breast, a cut, the so-called surgical approach, must be made. Your doctor will always choose the cut so that scars remain small and inconspicuous.

There are three ways to establish operative access routes: via the armpit, via the areola, or through the breast fold. Subsequently, the implant is placed in a pocket, the so-called Implant lounge, which can be both on and partially under the pectoralis muscle.

The decision about the surgical approach to breast augmentation and the placement of the implant depends on many different factors and can only be decided after a detailed examination by your doctor.

Low complication surgery: only minor risks

Basically, the development of the breast should be completed. Before esthetic breast enlargement, we recommend carrying out a mammogram, an ultrasound examination and, if necessary, a magnetic resonance tomography to exclude breast disease.

In addition, the decision to breast augmentation for a woman should be made solely on their own initiative and regardless of the ideals of beauty of others, only with the aim to feel comfortable in their own body.

Requirements for breast augmentation

Of course, every surgery involves general and specific risks that your doctor will naturally discuss in detail and individually. Overall, breast augmentation is a low-impact surgical procedure with a high degree of efficiency and safety that can result in a proven increase in vitality and quality of life.

Please keep in mind that despite the information provided here, a medical consultation prior to treatment is irreplaceable. An in-depth and individual consultation by the doctor of your trust is necessary to be able to optimally meet your wishes.

Autologous fat breast augmentation

Breast augmentation with autologous fat is a modern alternative to conventional breast augmentation with implants.
As the name suggests, autologous fat tissue is used to increase the volume of the breast. The autologous fat is previously taken from other parts of the body, such as the abdomen, hips, thighs or buttocks, prepared and injected into the breast. A natural cycle.

Natural breast augmentation with the body’s own fat is particularly suitable for women who are aiming for a smaller to medium breast enlargement and who have a certain excess of fat cells.

Lipofilling: Breast augmentation with autologous fat

Breast augmentation with autologous fat is a gentle alternative to breast augmentation with implants made of silicone. The method is particularly suitable for women who have their own fat pad and want to enlarge their breasts to a rather small extent, or to regain lost volume. If you want to know more about lipofilling, you can find the answers to the most frequently asked questions on this page.

For whom is own-fat breast augmentation suitable?

The basic requirement for breast augmentation with autologous fat is that you have enough of your own body fat. For the enlargement of the breast, approximately twice as much fat must be suctioned out as is needed for the breast enlargement. Here, if you want, you can kill two birds with one stone and beautify two body regions in one operation. You will find out in your personal consultation where the best places are for fat removal or where you would like to have it removed.

Breast augmentation with the patient’s own fat is suitable for small to medium-sized breast enlargements. This corresponds to approximately half to three quarters of a cup size. Within this range, already stretched skin in the breast area can also be provided with volume. Very large changes in volume should be done with implants.

Your Appointment

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us – our team of doctors and staff will take care of your request and will also make an appointment with you at our premises. Our contact form also gives you the opportunity to quickly and arrange an appointment: click here: contact form


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    Our main areas of cosmetic surgery

    The Fontana Clinic Mainz offers you the complete spectrum of cosmetic and plastic surgery. Here you will find our main areas for a quick overview and interesting information about the various procedures.