
Intimate Surgery

We offer intimate surgery for women and men

Intimate surgery is carried out to improve the aesthetics and functionality of problems and dissatisfaction in the intimate area.

specialist clinic
much experience
good ratings
specialist clinic for plastic surgery

Discrete Intimate Surgery

Intimate surgery is now an important area of cosmetic surgery that is rarely talked about. For many women, one’s own private sphere is still a topic that is too often taboo.

Irregular, too small or too large labia are often perceived by women as unaesthetic. Variations on the labia are often the cause of pain during sports, for example when cycling, or during intercourse. Too much labia, which are inflamed by friction, are common causes of intimate surgery. Far more than previously thought, women can also suffer from pain due to too large labia when sitting.

Congenital, acquired, and age-related limitations on your quality of life can be surgically corrected in the Fontana Clinic in a low-risk intervention. Just contact us.

Intimate surgery helps to perceive your own body more beautiful

According to medical studies, about 40 percent of women are dissatisfied with their pubic area, which can lead to significant mental stress and sexual dysfunction

Many self-confident women do not want to resign themselves to such restrictions. With today’s medical advances, you do not have to, because there are a number of treatment options in the field of Intimate Surgery, so you can feel comfortable again in your own body.

For example, there is the possibility of a labia correction in which too large or too small labia are adjusted. This can on the one hand the protective function of the labia restored and the pain-free exercise of certain sports are made possible. Furthermore, a labia correction can improve the esthetic feeling of the intimate area, so that the entire body perception is positively changed.

Also, the correction of pubic bone, which may be pronounced for example by the change in hormone balance or age-related, disturbs many women, as this is noticeable in close clothing or is perceived as disturbing during sexual intercourse, is a component of intimate surgery. In pubic aesthetics superfluous fatty tissue is sucked off and the venous hillock is flattened.

Intimate surgery should enable you to restore and, if necessary, increase lost sexual sensitivity. An intervention in the pubic area may well make sense under aesthetic and psychological aspects and allow you a carefree treatment of your sexuality.

Discretion is a matter of course in our intimate surgery

In most cases, intimate surgery can be performed on an outpatient basis and without hospitalization. In addition, most treatments require only local anesthesia. However, if you prefer general anesthesia, you can confidently turn to your attending FONTANA KLINIK doctor. Arrange an appointment for the preliminary talk and discuss together which treatment is suitable for you. Our team will provide you with comprehensive information about all the risks and possibilities of intimate surgery in a personal conversation so that you are well informed at every step.

Of course, we are at your side with your problems at any time and pay particular attention to a discreet handling of your privacy. Your well-being is our top priority. We help you to feel completely comfortable in your body again and to draw strength for your self-confidence. Our competent employees are always up to date with the latest medical science and would like to make a new attitude to life possible through the interventions!

Your Appointment

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us – our team of doctors and staff will take care of your request and will also make an appointment with you at our premises. Our contact form also gives you the opportunity to quickly and arrange an appointment: click here: contact form or call us at: +49 06131 940690 – we look forward to seeing you!


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    Our main areas of cosmetic surgery

    The Fontana Clinic Mainz offers you the complete spectrum of cosmetic and plastic surgery. Here you will find our main areas for a quick overview and interesting information about the various procedures.