Body surgery
Plastic-Aesthetic Body Surgery
Your beauty clinic in the Rhine-Main area for an aesthetically shaped body that meets your expectations. We are happy to be there for you.
Body surgery Rhine-Main
from Liposuction to Hair Transplantation
Liposuction, tummy tuck or intimate cosmetic surgery covers only a few areas of aesthetic body surgery. Also the self-hair transplantation enjoys great popularity. “Nobody’s perfect”. But many a physical blemish calls for a desire for change to perfection.
Satisfaction with one’s own appearance proves a happy soul and a healthy self-confidence. Sport and balanced nutrition are undoubtedly the way of choice for an aesthetic, well-formed body. Unfortunately, this is not always enough to reach your self-imposed goals. Everyone has their own very personal reasons to undergo a body surgery such as a thigh lift. In addition to the natural aging process, an appropriate surgical correction can help recover a harmonious body, even after a significant weight loss or pregnancy.
Plastic-Aesthetic Body Surgery in Wiesbaden and Mainz
As FONTANA KLINIK is distinguished by its wide-ranging expertise in aesthetic surgery, we can offer you a comprehensive range of services: In addition to liposuction, you also have the option of identifying your own problem zone, whether stomach or thigh or upper arm, to improve. The approaches of aesthetic surgery are manifold – in the following we would like to introduce them to you in more detail.
Dr. med. Klaus Niermann
Specialist for aesthetic plastic surgery
Dr. med. K. Niermann, head physician of the clinic, has successfully performed a great many operations in the field of aesthetic plastic surgery. With his extensive experience, he will be happy to assist you in your consultation. Take the opportunity to ask him all your questions about your desired appearance.
Liposuction for a Slim Line
Basically, liposuction always follows the same pattern: The treating physician inserts a thin cannula into the tissue via tiny skin incisions. By the subsequent movement of this cannula, the fat cells dissolve, which are then sucked off with a pump. In detail we will explain the various modern methods of liposuction of the subcutaneous fatty tissue in a detailed conversation. Which method is best for you depends, among other things, on your individual physical requirements. For example, FONTANA KLINIK performs liposuction with water-jet-assisted liposuction, or WAL for short. The innovative process is extremely gentle for you and delivers optimal results. With the help of the fine beam, our experienced doctor specifically releases the fatty tissue. He can already estimate the result during the process, so that any unevenness can be dealt with at the same time. Further benefits can be found in a detailed consultation.
Abdominoplasty for an Attractive Venter
In a tummy tuck your doctor removes fat deposits from the hanging or bulging abdominal region, so that this corresponds to your desire image of a lean and well-trained center of the body. For this purpose, a cut is made above the pubic hair and a larger area of the skin is released. In addition to the abdominal wall also the abdominal wall muscles can be tightened, so that the waist gets narrower. Depending on whether a classic or partial tummy tuck is made, not only can the excess skin be removed, but also the belly can be reshaped and repositioned.
Thigh Lift for Cellulite
Especially women suffer from a weakening of the tissue called cellulitis, which is also popularly known as orange peel skin: a thigh lift helps you to regain a beautiful contour. In addition to the sagging skin, of course, additional fatbags may be removed. The incision usually runs from the groin to the buttocks fold, so that the line-shaped scar by their position does not stand out. If you have hanging or bulging skin not only on the thigh but also on the hips and buttocks, a body lift is recommended that corrects all three problem areas.
Upper Arm Lift against Drooping Skin
Hanging skin or orange peel on the upper arms are caused by the natural aging process. The excess tissue can be removed with little risk by an upper arm tightening and the body image can be adapted to your own ideal. The choice of L-shaped or T-shaped incision depends on the condition of your connective tissue and is determined by your doctor. The same applies to the amount of tissue and skin that is removed during upper arm tightening. With the superficial connective tissue, the remaining skin is then fixed in the armpit, so that it is tightened.
Hand Surgery for Precise Function
Compressing nerves in the area of the hand often trigger sensations such as tingling fingers, numbness or pain in the night. Very often, these are triggered by the median nerve of the hand, which passes through the carpal tunnel in the wrist. If it is too tight, the function and sensation of the fingers are impaired. The disease, known as Dupuytren’s disease can be well treated through surgery.
Sweat Glands Removal against Heavy Sweating
Hyperhidrosis refers to a pathological increased secretion of the sweat gland, also affected even without physical exertion. Sweating may be temporarily suppressed by botulinum injection, but sweat glands may be as well removed surgically for long-term symptom relief. In addition to cutting or scraping, we offer the modern technology of sweat gland suction, performed under local anesthesia and cannula. In this procedure, the skin is lifted to protecting it from injury.
Hair Transplantation to the Head and Body
If you suffer from hair loss or receding hairline, you may be interested in a Hair transplantation, in which we redistribute the existing hair roots in bald area. We offer the classic strip method (F.U.T.) as well as the single hair removal (F.U.E.), which is a cut-free method. In hair transplantation, intact hair roots with tissue are removed under local anesthesia. The tiny dermal islands are then inserted at the recipient site after they have been prepared meticulous. The body’s own fibrin ensures that the tiny wounds close quickly.
Intense pulsed light (IPL) for Permanent Hair Removal
The term hypertrichosis refers to increased hair growth, which often afflicts sufferers. Again, there are various causes such as hereditary diseases or hormonal overfunction. Hair removal with laser and Intense Pulse-Light technology is possible in almost every location. In this treatment, only the hair and not the surrounding tissue are addressed so that hardly any redness. The desolate hair will fail within a few weeks and will not grow. However, sclerotherapy can only occur in the growth phase of the hair, so that several sessions must be carried out for complete hair removal.
The Embellishment Approach of Fontana Clinic
In addition, the use of autologous fat is available for a variety of aesthetic treatments of the body. With the body’s own fat it is not only possible to correct irregularities of the skin level or scars, but also to contour entire body parts such as breast or butt. In addition, autologous fat is also applied to the hands and face, for example, to remove wrinkles, so that the skin looks younger and more vital. In addition to the body surgery, we also deal in our clinic with the other areas of modern aesthetic surgery. A first overview of our diverse services can be found here on our website. In the various menu items, we inform you in detail about the different treatment options and the methods used.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us – our team of doctors and staff will take care of your request and will also make an appointment with you at our premises. Our contact form also gives you the opportunity to quickly and arrange an appointment: click here: contact form
Our main areas of cosmetic surgery
The Fontana Clinic Mainz offers you the complete spectrum of cosmetic and plastic surgery. Here you will find our main areas for a quick overview and interesting information about the various procedures.